Tuesday, February 20, 2007

On Writing

I like it when a poem doesn't say a whole lot.
When it dances around a message
like leaves around that statue of Garibaldi in Washington Square Park.
When the poem can speak
without ever really saying anything.

I like to read three pages and think two sentences,
like the author has you by the ears and he's dragging you along,
and you're kicking and screaming.

I think the finest poets can stare at a sky so big it seems to end below their feet
and sum it up in a few short words:
"No sky is bigger than another."


PJK said...

I think the finest poets can stare at a sky so big it seems to end below their feet and sum it up in a few short words:
"No sky is bigger than another."

This section takes me to a different place each time I read it. It's beautiful, hauntingly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I like the placement of "below their feet" within this stanza. The honesty and poignancy of this piece, especially the last part, is great.